Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

19 January 2007

And Toddler Makes Two

My life as a singleton has long revolved upon the credo that I am solely responsible for me and me alone [and any actions that I take]. It works well for me, which is good since there is no one begging me to change this arrangement. One could say, perhaps, that when I want to focus only on my little world, I am the center of it.

So you can only imagine what an incredible lifestyle change it was to recently care for Diva Niece for several days on end. Suddenly, I was caregiver to an 18-month-old girl who truly believes the world revolves around her.

I have long respected all parents. It's a hard job and obviously a very important one. I don't think anyone knows exactly how hard it is, though, until they step into those shoes and fill the role of pseudo-Mom for a few days. Is it similar to babysitting? Not even close.

I have never been so incredibly exhausted. I have also never experienced so much unconditional love. And the fun! There is nothing like seeing something through a toddlers eyes.

I already miss the little peanut. Her bright eyes and rosy cheeks. Her big laughs and limitless enthusiasm. Her unending supply of hugs and smiles. Her incredibly happy disposition. Her singing. Her funny, funny dancing. Her cuddles. Her mimicking. Her little voice babbling away with tons of real worlds peppered into the jibberish that will soon be full-on English I'll understand.

It's almost enough to make me (eventually) want one. Almost.

P.S. -- How long do you think it will be before I get the "Go Diego Go" song out of my head? Honestly, it's driving me batty!


  • Kudos to your for babysitting her! It's really a selfless thing, having a child. I can't even imagine my life without The Boy, because it's so ingrained into my being. They truly love unconditionally no matter how many time outs they get or how many times you say no.

    And as far as the song goes, I think that one's probably been burned into your psyche permanently. It will rear its head at the least appropriate moment...like when you're sitting in a meeting at work bored out of your mind or in line at Target.

    By Blogger RockerMom, at 11:35 AM  

  • Just a little taste of motherhood...wonderful, exhausting and overwhelming! And you are so right, it is ALL about them!

    By Blogger tallulah, at 4:25 PM  

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