Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

16 January 2007

Countdown to Spring

Many, many years ago, someone told me that by 2014 Chicago would have the climate of SoCal or some warmer southern state. I don't know how much credence I really put into this, but this curious stretch of imagination has stayed in the back of my mind for quite some time.

Because I hate the snow and cold but adore Chicago, you can see the bind I'm in. The warm weather effects of global warming became my friend (note: this does not mean I am a proponent of global warming or that I don't recognize the ill effects this has on the world and our resources. However, for selfish purposes, try to understand the minute lust.). With this winter's mild "winter" temps, I couldn't help but think that perhaps whoever provided the weather factoid to me as a kid was Nostradamus incarnate.

And then the snow and ice and general ickyness came yesterday. Slow and intermittent, it created a bigger mess than if it had been dumped from the sky in massive piles. It was layer upon layer of ice and then snow and then more ice. It didn't amount to much besides one cold Slip 'N Slide, and though there's still a healthy layer on the ground we've had much worse. And don't think I'm complaining. Well, Ok, I am. But really, I'm leading up to a point. I can handle this amount of snow. But then came the cold. Bitter cold, mind you.

And it doesn't appear as though it's going to get any better. :: groan ::

Therefore, my annual countdown to Spring begins. Just 75 more days to muddle through.


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