Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

30 December 2005

Smoke-Free Spain

Spain is set to institute a major ban on smoking come the New Year. Spaniards are known for their habitual smoking. And boy, do they smoke a lot. When I was in Madrid this past October, it was amazing to me just how much.

Now I am the last person to say smoking bothers me, and I personally have no issue with such activities in designated areas and in bars (vice and vice go hand in hand), but it actually turned my stomach. They can smoke anywhere. Including elevators! I mean, c'mon, isn't that dangerous? You can't wait a couple minutes while you travel between floors crammed into a small space with a handful of other people? Seriously, anyone can wait that long.

Seeing as I witnessed firsthand just how over the top it was, I'm all for instituting a bit of a ban- like in the aforementioned elevators- but I don't see how the locals will ever accept this in other public places. It should be interesting to see how this develops.


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